Sunday, December 20, 2009

Shotokan Terminology

General Karate Terminology(Counting, Ceremony, Terminology)


Rei -Bow
Seiza- kneel down
Mokuso- Meditation
Mokuso Yame -Stop meditation
Sensei, Onegaishimasu, Rei - Teacher, please train us, bow
Sensei, Arigato Gozaimashita, Rei -Teacher, thank you very much, bow
Tatte- Stand

KAZU -Counting
Ichi -One
Ni -Two
San -Three
Shi -(Yon) Four
Go -Five
Roku-- Six
Shichi-- Seven
Hachi Eight
Kyu -Nine
Jyu -Ten
Jyu Ichi -Eleven
Ni Jyu-Twenty
Ni Jyu Ichi -Twenty-one
Shodan- First degree
Nidan -Second degree
Sandan -Third degree
Yondan -Fourth Degree
Godan -Fifth Degree
Yogo -Terminology
Karate -Empty hands
Dojo -Training place
Shihan -Master
Sensei -Teacher
Sempai -Senior (Higher belt)
Dohai -Equal (Same belt)
Kohai -Junior (Lower belt)
Obi -Belt
Keiotsuke -Attention
Hajime- Begin
Yame Stop
Karate-Ka Karate student
Karate-Gi Karate uniform
Otagi Ni -Bow to each other
Rei --Bow
Oss A word showing respect
Mawatte -Turn around
Kata -Form (an arranged pattern of attack and defense techniques against multiple imaginary opponents)

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